Pregnancy journal: Week 3
6/8/18 (3w4d): Today is 11 dpo (days post-ovulation), and if you’ve dealt with any fertility related stuff, you probably know about the luteal phase. Mine is 10 days max, which isn’t good for keeping a newly-conceived baby in place. Anyway, my cycles vary in length, but my luteal phase is the same, and over the last year, I usually test on day 9 or 10 just to see if I’m pregnant, and I’ve received the same stark negative each time…and then, good ol’ Aunt Flo hits.
Today, since it was “late,” I quickly tested when I crawled out of bed at the butt crack of dawn, threw it on the bathroom counter, and went back to bed.
A little later, as Ben was heading to work, I quickly picked it up to check so I could toss it, and there it was…a very, very positive test. ?
Usually my positives are so faint at first (because I test early), that I’m always holding it in different lighting, and asking Ben “can you see a line??” So I handed it to him and asked “can you see a line?” ?
I tested again with a more expensive test, just to confirm, and it was undeniably positive.
We definitely spent awhile in shock! My recent more-than-usual exhaustion and extreme emotional…ness suddenly made sense. ?
I also found out that unfortunately we conceived during the “30 day waiting period” for our new insurance, so we are responsible for 100% of the costs, so I had a nice long emotional pregnancy hormone cry over that.
At the end of the day, we both believe this is the miracle rainbow baby we have prayed and longed for for so long. ❤️